Game will start with a particle just after Big Bang. You will try to create new materials while interacting with environment. There will be enemy particles(antimatter) that may destroy you while friendly ones may help you to on your way of creating your own universe!
Your particle will move with help of fields that are generated by you. Also it will interact with other external fields too. After certain conditions are satisfied extra features like having control of dark matter besides generating fields will be available.
Game will be scored in terms of your mass and aim is to be as massive as you can achieve.
Goals of the project
Have a working prototype for single players
Skills being sought
Any of them will be nice :)
- Teamwork- Problem solving
- Basic knowledge about particle physics or cosmology
- Game development
- Web design
- Creativity - Enthusiasm
References and background material
- agar.io
- Processing js
- Fisica library
Baran Bodur: baran.bodur@cern.ch
Doğa Veske: doga.veske@cern.ch
Armağan Daşcürcü: armagan.dascurcu@cern.ch