Ever got frustrated with how people misunderstand science? About how lack of scientific understanding influences our lives from environmental policies to human rights? Ever wondered what would happen if you cross a bus with scientists? This is a project for you!
The science bus is a bus transformed into a moving house filled with projects and 5-8 scientists (students, phd's, profesors, astraunats and everything in between! We are looking for cool people with knowledge to share). Projects will vary from an ecosystem in a jar, to raspberry pi robots and everything in between This bus will take tours around mostly rural areas where with the collaboration of the local communities they will give talks and workshops, and hold discussions about science and technology.
Through these talks they will not only raise awareness about the subject that they love but they will also give to the people guidelines on how to research information and check sources.
At the same time they themselves will be a bright example for the younger generation to get inspired and be led into the scientific world.
Wouldn't your 10-years old self be inspired to find more about computing/engeneering if they saw a geek playing with a rasbery-pi lego t-rex?
Cause mine would!
We have to understand that this project will not be complete after the 2 days of webfest. But nothing stops us from making a plan/design for it! That will help us bring it to life in the near future. For now we need:
Engeneers and architects to designt the bus.
Administrative people to create a resources plan and later administer the community.
Scientists of any subject to create sample material/projects for the bus!
Create a plan for how the tours will work as well as how to acquiring the bus and fundraising and a design for the bus it self.
engineering, renuable energy, interior design, architecture, teaching/presenting, administration/organisation,any and every science enthusiast.
This is a bus/house http://www.hankboughtabus.com/ from a team from Architecture at the University of Minnesota.
Look at Claremont College's approach to it:https://sites.google.com/site/5csciencebus/
The subjects are really broad! I think they cover all of us! If you are passionate about this idea as I am don't hesitate to communicate with me!