There is 2 games which will be made as part of The HEP Game Compilation
This project is the second game in the compilation, the CERN Experiment Strategic Simulator Game. In this game, the player will learn how to establish CERN research complex as the founding father of CERN from the establishment, constructing the buildings for research, computing center, office, experiment area,hiring personnel (engineer, physicist, administration, computing scientists and engineers), team forming, task assignment to each personnel according to their abilities, work shifts, controlling detector and accelerator, gaining credits for upgrading equipment and detector, improve DAQ system, buy new detector, making new collaborations, and other things. Long run of experiments on the game means more data which in turn will lead to a discovery of a new particle. Future development including to make this game a browser based game with the collaborative play option where each players with their own team race against each other to find more particles and can make alliance or collaboration.
The goals for this game are:
- Enlighten the players about how CERN run their facilities including management of buildings, office, personnel, energy, experiments, upgrade, administration (human resource, outreach, knowledge sharing, etc)
- Educate the players about the various occupation at CERN and the inter connectivity between them
- Teach the player about the construction of LHC (accelerators & detectors)
- The game would feature connectivity with the first game, MadParticles, the LHC Detector Simulator, which will give players full learning experience on how to run experiments, facilities and working processes at CERN and also able to engage in experiencing the process inside the detector as the experiment core instruments for researches.