Peace, justice and strong institutions
We'll allow professionals to take feedback and retain them throughout career journey. Users also can track their soft-skills progress and also get a public summary profile. It’ll give a deeper look into an individual’s soft-skills than LinkedIn to recruiters.
In future, we’ll also show soft-skills summary profiles of companies, giving a deeper look into a company's culture than Glassdoor. This will enable people working from home during this pandemic to be on the same page with their colleagues and discover their blind-spots. This will help them to perform better and will improve the transparency and culture in the team.
Goals of the project
- Insights - Skill based statistics and actions required to improve, derived from feedback provided by various users.
- Feedback Reminders - Send follow-up emails to users if there are any pending feedback requests
Skills being sought
- Team work
- Building things
- Embracing good culture
- Emotional intelligence study
References and background material
We've somewhat built: https://johariapp.com [1]
gneha21@yahoo.in, shubhamkjain@outlook.com, jainanorudh75@gmail.com, gmmgupta@gmail.com