In the modern-day computer science world, the main language is English. Unfortunately, many children living in rural areas have no opportunity to learn English and hesitate to dive into programming although they show great interest in that area. The idea of the project is simple: allow children who do not know English to use the syntax of the programming language in their mother tongue and remove the initial language barrier. Imagine writing and executing C++ code in your own language!
Goals of the project
Implement a basic prototype which allows to write and execute code in Azerbaijani language .
Skills being sought
- Interest in programming language technology
- Basic Java programming skills
Interest in the project!
References and background material
- BNF Converter (BNFc) - https://bnfc.digitalgrammars.com/
- JavaFX - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JavaFX
Shahnur Isgandarli - shahnur.isgandarli@cern.ch