Snaky Particles is a game based on the popular cell phone game SNAKE.
Single Player.
In this game you are a scientist who needs to collect as many valuable particles as possible. The particles appear on the screen but after a short period of time they decay. When a scientist collects a lot of particles, he is able to start a collaboration and, in this way, more scientists will follow him. However, scientists should not collide among themself otherwise the competition within the collaboration will make it smaller.
The single player mode could be extended adding a second collaboration. Both collaborations should try to collect the same particles without touching each other. If a collaboration touches the other, some of the scientists will leave the first one to join the second one.
0) Have fun! :)
1) Develop the single player mode.
2) Develop the multiplayer mode.
1) HTML;
2) JavaScript;
3) Experience in developing apps or games;
4) Graphic design.
References and Background Material:
We might use CreateJS: http://www.createjs.com/