Mozilla Foundation released a few weeks a go a massively online game using the latest HTML5 web technologies: BrowserQuest
Thanks to the HTML5 you will be able to play with your modern web browser in your desktop, laptop, tablet and even in the smartphone! BrowserQuest is a tribute to classic video-games with a multiplayer twist. You play as a young warrior driven by the thrill of adventure. No princess to save here, just a dangerous world filled with treasures to discover. And it’s all done in glorious HTML5 and JavaScript.
The idea of this proposal is to fork this game -it is open source- and change the maps into a ParticleQuest game based at CERN.
Instead of having a fantasy world, the players will explore the CERN, having access to different experiments like CMS or ATLAS. You play as a young physicist, well, you can be a warrior if you want, that want to find and learn more about physics.