E-Nurse is a app that automates the work done by nurses. There are many instances in the emergency ward where nurses are overwehlned with the patients and are unable to triage those who need emergency trearment. For example, someone experiencing a stroke/ heart-attack needs urgent attention and it would help to identify/triage such patients quickly.
In resource contraint regions (parts of Africa/ India/ Bangladesh/ Nepal/ South America) where healthcare IT and medical services are not readily accessible, small scale set up such as a camera to monitor patients and send out notifications can really make a difference. Organizations such as OpenMRS in association with Partners in Health (PIH), Doctors without Borders and Red Cross have been dveloping healthcare IT software for recording and mainting data. E-Nurse will take this work a step further and compensate for lack of staff and equipment to check-in or monitor patients in a facility.
E-Nurse will make use of a high quality camera to detect for visible features and identify if someone is having a heart-attack/stroke etc. Some of these visual symptoms are descibed here
- http://www.wikihow.com/Recognize-the-Warning-Signs-of-a-Stroke
- http://www.wikihow.com/Recognize-a-Heart-Attack
We also can detect the heart beat using the with image processing using open API's by MIT (detecting small changes in face color): http://www.extremetech.com/extreme/149623-mit-releases-open-source-soft…;
Prototye a web/mobile application that can detect symptoms for stroke/heart attack and notify the people concerned to take informed decisions in time.
Image Processing, REST API's, front-end javascript libraries, experience with Hardware/Sensor electronics
Node.js, Angular.js, Image Processing in javascript, Arduino/Raspberry Pi programming to interact with thermostats or similar sensors