Everybody loves tower defence games. Protecting your hearts against wave upon wave of incoming enemies, upgrading your defences, defeating stronger monsters, more upgrades, more monsters... and the circle goes on and on... You know what I mean.
Wouldn't it be interesting though, to change the scenery of the game? Our awesome idea is to create a CERN-themed tower defence game, where instead of towers and traps you have different kinds of accelerator components, like magnets, RF Cavities, etc... Of course instead of creeps you'll be "attacked" by different kinds of particles. And your "defence" won't be based on arrows and stones but on electromagnetic fields. Lastly the maps could be modelled after the specific accelerator/experiment layout.
Now imagine playing that game in a browser, using cutting edge web technologies... We believe that's a game worth playing!
If you too think that it's an awesome idea, then join us to make it a reality!
A working prototype of the game, with enough features to make it addicting.
It would be nice to have one or more of the following
- some ability to create graphics
- some knowledge of html5,css,javascript, webgl
- working knowledge of physics who can help make the project more realistic - looking
- ideas about the project and creativity
- willingnes to help others procrastinate
- experience in playing tower defence games
Content is to be added here, but general references would point to webgl, and to creating graphics and games in javascript.